Understanding Display Rules & Emotional Labour at Work: Cost, Consequences, and Coping Strategies

Imagine you work as a barista at Starbucks. A customer walks in on a bright sunny morning, eagerly anticipating your warm welcome, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and your excited request for their name – which per pre-established rules, is always hand-written on the renowned coffee cup. However, that day you wake up feeling off, and show up to work as your true self – an individual battling different kinds of life stressors. You decide not to greet the client, you refrain from engaging in small talk, and avoid taking their name.

The customer looks up at you and asks: “Is something wrong?” 

This scenario highlights the significance and ever-so-faint yet important presence of display rules and emotional labour in workers’ lives.

5 Ways To Enhance Wellbeing of Layoff Survivors

The majority of current layoffs have been in the tech industry, but there have also been significant layoffs in industries such as healthcare, tourism/hospitality, retail, manufacturing, construction, and transportation/warehousing. Although layoffs have always been an issue, the recent increase is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to supply chain disruptions, an economic slowdown, and inflation. According to the International Labour Organization (2022), the pandemic is estimated to have pushed global unemployment to 200 million in 2022, up from 186 million in 2021. This represents an increase of 14 million in just one year. The ILO estimates that the global labor market will not fully recover from the pandemic until 2025.

3 Science-Backed Ways To Improve Productivity In Workplaces

Workplace productivity plays an integral role in determining the overall success rate of a company, hence the reason why companies have recently begun to devise new innovative strategies to improve employee performance. According to Gallup’s (2022) state of the global workplace report, only 21% of workers are engaged at work and only 33% of overall employees are thriving when it comes to their well-being. More than ever before, companies are saddled with the responsibility of finding innovative ways to increase productivity (Guillaume et al., 2017). 

La Marca Empleadora y Su Convivencia Con Las Diferentes Generaciones

La Experiencia del Empleado, la Marca Empleadora y el People Analytics son conceptos que van de la mano. He tenido la suerte de estudiarlos, trabajarlos y aplicarlos. Cuanto mayor es el tiempo que paso trabajando de lo que me apasiona, mayor es la visión que adquiero de la importancia de estos temas. Importancia a nivel económico, emocional, social y cultural del mundo empresarial. Soy un fiel creyente de que mejorando la experiencia de los trabajadores, poniendo foco en su bienestar y en su motivación, toda empresa solo tiene un camino por recorrer: el del crecimiento. Soy abogado, transformado en Analista en People Experience, y he pasado por un sinfín de situaciones en diferentes organizaciones. De algo estoy seguro: todos precisamos ser escuchados, cuidados y respetados, especialmente en el trabajo.

3 Steps to Boosting Employee Engagement on Mondays

We have all felt the impact of a long week. Friday arrives and seemingly everyone is awaiting the end of the day with more excitement than is ever brought to the arrival of Monday. You begin hearing statements such as ‘Do you have plans for the weekend?’ or ‘Thank God it’s Friday!’ Looking forward to the weekend seems to be a favorite pastime for so many. 

The challenge of keeping employees engaged during the week has become an even greater obstacle as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and adjust to remote workers and hybrid workdays. As a leader, empowering the start of each week plays a critical role in how your team approaches success. You can greatly influence the mindset, rhythm and temperature of your team by making sure everyone begins the work week with as much positivity and excitement as possible.

Why It’s Time for More Employer Branding in “Developing” Countries

Employer brand represents an organization’s reputation as a place to work. It’s based on an Employee Value Proposition (EVP), which is the sum of offerings the organization can provide in return for the skills of the talent it employs. Once an organization’s employer brand is established, traditional branding and marketing activities then follow to ensure the brand is known and perceived as attractive among employees and potential candidates. 

In general, formal employer branding remains a fairly new field, starting to only pick up momentum in the early 2000s. Two decades later, however, one noticeable and concerning observation is the unequal distribution of employer brand prioritization and investment around the world.